A Demo Club Meeting today was held at Amkor Technology Philippines, formerly Amkor Anam Philippines Inc at 5 to 6pm. The venue of the Demo Meeting was at the Bayanihan Conference room at P2. Lee Manalaysay from Organizational Development HR welcomed the guests. The Demo meeting was held to enable the Amkor audience to appreciate what goes on in a typical Toastmasters Club meeting. By having themselves participate in some of the segments like Impromptu Speaking, they get a feel of what it's like to run a Toastmasters meeting.
The theme for the day was "Learning the Basics". Dr. Noy was the General Evaluator of the meeting. Les delivered his speech "That Extra Mile" as a demonstration prepared speech. Brookes Loomis DTM was the Toastmaster of the Day and his wife Dina Loomis DTM evaluated Les's speech. Gov. Beth Pableo ATM-S was the Table Topics Master.
In the Table Topics portion, several Amkor employees were asked to "volunteer". Greg Fisher talked about his greatest fear while Joel Gonzales talked about his unforgettable experience.
A part of the audience that witnessed a Toastmasters Demo Meeting. In the foreground are Greg Fisher (left) and Joel Gonzales (back to camera) from Amkor. Others seated in the front row are: Dina Loomis (wearing hat), Brookes Loomis (in blue shirt) and AreaGov. Beth Pableo (rightmost)
Dr. Noy giving his evaluation as a General Evaluator to the Amkor audience. Behind him is the chart showing the several Impromptu Speaking formats: PREP (Point Reason Example Point), SMG (Story Message Gain), PPF (Past Present Future), AIDA (Attention Interest Desire Action) and PROBE (Praise Request Options BestOption Explain). These formats were earlier explained by AreaGov. Beth Pableo.
Before the meeting closed, Brookes asked for 4 volunteers to give their Icebreaker speeches in the next meeting. He said that in his experience with other clubs, it is rare that all 4 will be able to deliver and with that note, he challenged the group to prove him wrong. What a challenge indeed!
The theme for the day was "Learning the Basics". Dr. Noy was the General Evaluator of the meeting. Les delivered his speech "That Extra Mile" as a demonstration prepared speech. Brookes Loomis DTM was the Toastmaster of the Day and his wife Dina Loomis DTM evaluated Les's speech. Gov. Beth Pableo ATM-S was the Table Topics Master.
In the Table Topics portion, several Amkor employees were asked to "volunteer". Greg Fisher talked about his greatest fear while Joel Gonzales talked about his unforgettable experience.

Before the meeting closed, Brookes asked for 4 volunteers to give their Icebreaker speeches in the next meeting. He said that in his experience with other clubs, it is rare that all 4 will be able to deliver and with that note, he challenged the group to prove him wrong. What a challenge indeed!
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