Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Meeting at ER Room

A meeting was held to discuss possible action items regarding the problems plaguing the club. This was brought about by the still unrenewed club dues for October. An email was sent by Area Governor Bobbie Galang on this.

Attending the meeting were Officers Gerry Ong, Mic Tuason, Dan Benig and Les Aquino. Also in the meeting was HR Mgr Alfie Suarez. Some of the items discussed was whether how better can the club serve the needs of employees. Gerry mentioned of an impression that those who can afford to attend Toastmasters meetings are those who have a light workload.

Agreed upon were the following:
1. Gerry Ong to ask Area Governor what will happen if membership dues are not immediately renewed.
2. Dan Benig to draft a survey form that will be sent out to previous and current toastmasters.

When Dan asked on how much support or influence can the club get from the Department Managers, Alfie said that the managers are a mixed group. Essentially, one-third of them do not and will not probably support Toastmasters. Another one-third do not know much about Toastmasters and these are the new managers. And the last third are a bit more neutral and may likely be swayed into supporting Toastmasers.